Passive House stands for healthy, comfortable living and impressive energy efficiency, regardless of the regional climate. Developed in Germany, the Passive House standard is the most stringent building energy standard in the world. Buildings certified by the Passivhaus Institut use 80 percent less energy than conventional equivalent buildings.
Simply, the Standard is a set of design principles and a quantifiable performance standard applied to any building project, producing radically less energy needs, unparalleled comfort, and the most healthy indoor air quality.
As a Certified Passive House Designer and LEED AP I am passionate about energy effcient design and construction. Much of what we think of as super-insulating techniques are simply commonsense building methods carried out with an unusual degree of care and attention to detail. I appreciate that the performance of a certified Passive House is scientifically defendable and evidence-based.
The total total winter season utility bill for a Wisconsin Passive House could be less than $200! I look forward to sharing the benefits of what a super energy efficient house can look like for you.